Saturday, January 20, 2007

Time to get started!

It’s hard to believe that it’s already time to start getting ready for the garden, but it is. I need to figure out my seed order and get it in, and then figure out where I’m going to set up some lights for the flats. Maybe I can make a space in the basement, or use the far end of the kitchen counter. I’m going to try to be moderate in my seed-starting ambitions; I’ll try to keep the number of starts to under 100. Based on the comment posted earlier, I’m going to try Jung Seed this year. Will let you know how it goes.

The other chore is going to be cleaning out the seed box. You know that feeling when you have to pull out a plant in the garden, whether for thinning or whatever? I hate to do it and have to force myself. That’s the way it is with my seeds. Some are years old and surely not viable. I know I have scores and scores of packets. It’s time to be tough and clean them out! A fresh start on a fresh season.

— Roger

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